Web Survey

Service/Utilities Survey Template

Please answer the following questions:

Which of the following best describes the type of customer you are?

Where have you heard about this service? (Choose all that apply)

Why did you purchase this service from us?

How was your overall experience using our institution/agency?
Excellent Poor

Which of the following features do you like most about the service we provide (choose up to three)?

Which of the following features do you like the least about the service we provide (choose up to three)?

How polite were our employees?
Very polite Rude

How helpful were our employees?
Very helpful Not helpful

What were your expectations of the service that we provide?

How well did the service meet your expectations?

How did the service's price compare to your expectations?

How did the price of the service compare to other similar services that you know of?

How much did you pay for your service (not including tax)?

Did you have any coupons or receive any kind of discount?

Do you plan to continue using this service?
[Goto question UseAgain]

What would make you more likely to continue using this service?

Would you consider purchasing other utilities through us?

Would you recommend this service to someone else?

Please leave us comments or suggestions for improvement here:


Please provide the following demographic information. It will only be used to make statistical comparisons between different groups of respondents; it will not be used to profile individual respondents.

What is your gender?

How old are you?

Which of the following best represents the highest level of education that you have completed?

Are you currently employed?

What is your marital status?

What are the age ranges of any children (18 years younger) living in your household? (Choose all that apply)

Which of the following best describes your total household income before taxes last year?

Contact Information

This section is optional. Please fill out this section only if you would like us to get in touch with you.

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