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Using WR McCleave & Associates








Maximizing Your Consulting Experience

To ensure maximum effectiveness from your consulting investment, we suggest you follow these simple guidelines:

Get Us Involved Early -- We can often guide initial decisions or suggest immediate solutions.

Define Your Objectives -- Clear goals and expectations can speed problem solving and reduce consulting time. All information relating to the assignment should be provided at the beginning and as needed during the term of the project.

Provide Your Support -- We should be introduced to appropriate personnel and impact issues as soon as possible.

Monitor Progress -- We want you informed and involved in the solution process.

Act on Results -- Decisions should be made regarding conclusions, advice and implementation.

WR McCleave & Associates can provide a valuable link between your company's present problems and future goals. We are most cost effective when you make the effort to use our skills to your best advantage.


To find out more, please call WR McCleave & Associates at 704-892-4117 or email us via: